Anne d’Harnoncourt Gallery 182
Main Building
Radiation of Two Solitary Beings Apart (detail), 1916–20, by Suzanne Duchamp. Private collection
Marcel Duchamp was one of the most original figures of his era. He also belonged to a close-knit clan of artistic innovators, each of whom made distinctive contributions to modern art. This exhibition highlights the Duchamp siblings and the many connections linking their groundbreaking works.
Through August 2019, most of our Marcel Duchamp collection will be traveling to Tokyo, Seoul, and Sydney in the exhibition The Essential Duchamp. Don’t worry—The Large Glass and Étant donnés are staying put in Philadelphia. And remember, you can explore his works online anytime.
Anne d’Harnoncourt Gallery 182
Main Building
Get a sneak peek at works in this exhibition.
Matthew Affron, The Muriel and Philip Berman Curator of Modern Art; and Alexander Kauffman, The Andrew W. Mellon–Anne d’Harnoncourt Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellow